How to express Chrysanthemums


白地赤糸菊小紋 白地赤糸菊小紋ドレス  ピンク金糸菊羽織ピンク金糸菊羽織ドレス  赤茶白菊小紋 IMG_3011

According to a brain navigator, Mr. FUJITA Takahiro, the blood flow of brain gets well and breaks off stress when you feel big impression to see something beautiful. The brain feels glad to be impressive and lets you grow younger.

As I always feel twice impression by seeing beautiful Kimono and remade Kimono dress, people think my age is 12 years younger than I am. Here, some photos are shown some autumn flower chrysanthemums of different type of artists.

The last Kimono is not decided yet to be remade how the Kimono dress design is. I am exciting !!!