Antique Kimono


2016-11-02-13-12-09 %e5%86%99%e7%9c%9f-2017-02-04-14-12-14 %e5%86%99%e7%9c%9f-2017-02-04-14-12-03 %e5%86%99%e7%9c%9f-2017-02-04-14-15-09 %e5%86%99%e7%9c%9f-2017-02-04-14-15-16 %e8%a2%96%e4%b8%80%e6%9e%9a%e6%96%9c%e5%a7%bf %e8%a2%96%e4%b8%80%e6%9e%9a%e3%82%b9%e3%83%88%e3%83%bc%e3%83%ab

My client had brought a memento Kimono of her mother which had slept in her closet escaping the war.

And she put on the remade fashionable skirt and tunic today.

This kimono has a characteristic that is some happy motives like crane and pine/bamboo/apricot by symmetry frame printing.

As the raw material, expensive silkworm was used in the minimum, the both fabrics of front and lining were very thin.

The rapped long skirt is suitable to tie at front/back/side and shows the gorgeous back side too.

The tunic remade from the kimono sleeves makes some elegant drapes when she moves.

And the 2 pcs fabrics can be zipped out for different occasion.

Both items are very convenient by folding unbulky like FUROSHIKI to bring in baggage.

I am sure that these remade items are admirable wherever they are, especially in abroad.

The client left my atelier with big satisfaction.

How happy as a designer !

Let’s start the next one ~~