Only me ? I did want to know what happened before my birth. This is the sequel of my last blog ”What mother had left”.
A portrait was made from some lost photos for my mother’s first anniversary. And I looked over my root like NHK TV program “Family History”.
The history on my father’s side was a senior “Samurai” served for “Yodogimi (Queen)”. That is why I live near Osaka castle where “Yodogimi” had reigned ? The history of my mother’s side was a wealthy farmer in Edo-period which went down in a city history and then they changed to a wealthy merchant. There are some unique persons’ existence.
These sepia color photos including mother, with her family, with her friends now gave the timely atmosphere to us. My meek mother had hated taking photo, but she was a typical tomboy in teenager. They had lived in peace and quiet before the World War 2. What was the reason of her change ? The war ? or something else ?
As I look like my father on appearance and in character, people seldom thought mother and daughter except we went shopping of my clothes for an employment examination. She selected a one-piece like honeymoon dress. I was in a cold sweat and was sure “No pass !!!” on the interview.
Our expectation did come off, the last interview of mother safely passed. She put on high qualitied simple Kimono for the interview. She felt greatly relieved. After entering the company, I asked a manager of the personnel department about the reason. His explanation was for a project of office marriage. My mother was farsighted, wasn’t she ?
I love to wear remade clothes from her favorite Kimonos. For her relay heart !
④ Coat-dress remade from blue “Tsukesage” Kimono with white Japanese bell-flowers
⑤ Light jacket remade from beige “Haori” Kimono with “Shibori technique” motives
⑥ Dress remade from light solid blue Kimono with pine jacquard
⑦ Bare back dress remade from black “Haori” Kimono with batik motif
⑧ Long dress remade from blue “Haori” Kimono with Japanese apricot tree
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